InstaScope Blog

When It’s Time To Tackle New Technology: Upgrade Your Business With InstaScope

Oct 29, 2021

As indoor air quality has taken center stage in both the commercial and residential domains following the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more industry professionals are scrambling to remain ahead of the competition.

As such, you may be experiencing more frequent challenges in acquiring new leads and securing new customers, leading you to consider how, exactly, you can optimize your arsenal of air quality technology.

And that’s why we’re here.

First, let’s take a look at two inspection methods we’re willing to bet you’re using. Then, let’s take a look at one unparalleled alternative:

Taking It Back To Traditional Microbial Traps

As an indoor air quality specialist, there is little doubt that you have relied upon — or currently rely upon — spores traps in an effort to both detect and determine unwanted growth.

And while spore traps are capable of quantifying, mold, pollen, and fiberglass, among other contaminants, the problem is that they may not be entirely reliable.

“While many mold spores have a unique morphology and are identified by direct microscopic examination, others do not and are more difficult to identify,” Eurofins EMLab P&K

explains. “These latter types must be counted in broader spore groups. In certain situations, this grouping may mask an IAQ problem.”

Additionally, viability is not assessed, causing further challenges to overcome down the road.

Sizing Up The Matter Of Surface Sampling

In order to more directly engage with present particulate matter, your indoor air quality colleagues may also opt to perform surface sample testing, which is efficient for many in that it does not involve the use of any special equipment.

Specifically, surface sampling often involves one or more of the following methods:

  • Tape sampling
  • Swab sampling
  • Bulk sampling
  • Wipe sampling

“Tape sampling is the most common technique used to test surfaces for mold during a mold inspection. It provides valuable information,” according to the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI). “The species of mold, the relative degree of contamination, and the potential for airborne spore production may all be determined by tape sampling.”

The problem? Surface sampling does not indicate what contaminants are currently airborne.

Additionally, just as with mold traps, results may be incorrectly interpreted, particularly if another particulate matter was present on the tested surface.

Upward, Onward, & Forward With InstaScope

In considering all of the aforementioned, we can easily determine that both consistency and objectivity remain integral in conducting an optimal air quality test.

That’s why InstaScope is revolutionizing the landscape of our industry today.

Capable of instantly sampling and identifying airborne biology using its state-of-the-art biofluorescent chamber, InstaScope captures air samples in a whole-area manner so that samples are not limited to a certain spot in a room, or a few rooms in the house. This innovative technology also operates in real-time so the data is displayed as you are taking in samples. This also means you can generate instant reports for customers.

Moreover, there is no need for speciation when it comes to identifying what is in your air and the general need to know when the loading of particles is above normal limits; nor is there a limit on how many times you can choose to sample and measure the total air biological load in a given room or space.

User-friendly, peer-reviewed, and industry-leading, InstaScope’s technology is precisely what every air quality assessor and professional needs to give their business a new edge amidst rising competition.

So, are you ready to schedule a demo of your own?
To learn more about how InstaScope can optimize your overall business strategy and streamline your on-site processes, contact us today by calling (720) 410-7030!